
Project 2 Booklet

5 条评论:

  1. Hey i really like your concept, medicine on a key chain, very good idea, however even it seems like your product would fall off, you can improved my making a sorta of snapping mechanism, like on the back of caps (the hat).

  2. your product is a practical use for people needed to take a medicine regulary. I like the concept people carry out the medicine on a key chain but what if foils tear off because of friction between key and product?

  3. i like your design. your booklet and instructions is really nice and clear. the actual product will it be safe when it hanging with the key? if the packaging are brocken the medicine will be polluted by the key

  4. this is a very good concept as it is very simple to use and could be easily manufactured . in your design exploration children could have been considered as it is highly accessible .

  5. your design is a very good idea, having your meds on your keys mean easy access but like the other comments...wouldnt it come off just as easy since its plastic? maybe it could be a stronger material and refillable?
